A large proportion of all incidents and accidents are caused by human error. Despite the ever-increasing number of legal requirements and regulations as well as instructions for action, the number has remained constant:
Critical incidents or even accidents in the care sector are also determined by human error.
The human dilemma – the forgetting curve, also known as the Ebbinghausen curve. This curve illustrates the degree of forgetting within a certain period of time. Applied to your employees*, this means that what they have learned that is not applied is lost.
This forgetting leads to fatal consequences in nursing. Quality must not be lost. People in need of care have a right to good care – and good care must be recognisable. Good care requires well-founded knowledge and time on the part of the personnel involved.
In order for qualified, efficient and effective training to be possible at all, the problem areas must be identified and openly named.
Problems of both forgetting and the lack of knowledge of the employees play a major role.
The problems are:
ProPilots GmbH has developed an individual knowledge management system that comprehensively prepares nursing staff for both everyday and particularly dangerous situations in the nursing sector.
This increases the safety of the personnel in the long term, for example when handling medical or technical equipment. In addition, the system covers all mandatory statutory training courses. The management achieves legal certainty in the implementation of the topics and actively contributes to the health and safety of the employees*.
The risk of accidents at work and occupational diseases is significantly reduced, while at the same time improving the quality of knowledge and services. The associated documentation within the individual subject areas ensures compliance with the legal requirements.
First of all, it should reflect your company and your subject areas 100 percent. The individual subject areas in nursing are presented clearly and concisely. Furthermore, each individual employee* should receive the targeted training and documentation that is essential and important for his/her area.
With the ProPilots knowledge management you yourself can determine in which subject area of the compulsory further training the recurring training and examination is to be accomplished.
By creating user groups (social service, nurse, nursing staff, administration, kitchen staff, etc.) in the respective topic area of the compulsory training, you determine which documents, information and documentation the individual employee receives in his or her area of responsibility. This enables the employee to receive targeted, effective and efficient training.
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